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I/280B All-sky Compiled Catalogue of 2.5 million stars (Kharchenko+ 2009)
The All-Sky Compiled Catalogue of 2501313 stars (ASCC-2.5) with the
limiting magnitude V=12-14 is a result of a merging of star lists from
present day large high-precision catalogues from space (Hipparcos-
Tycho family catalogues: Hipparcos main catalogue including Multiple
System Annex [I/239], Tycho-1 [I/239], Tycho-2 [I/259], ACT-RC [I/246],
TRC [I/250]) and ground-based (PPM-N [I/146], PPM-S [I/193], PPM-add
[I/208], CMC11 [I/256]) observations and reduction to standard systems
of corresponding stellar data. The data from the Tycho-2 Spectral Type
Catalog [III/231], and the 2MASS All-Sky Catalog of Point Sources
[II/246] are added.