ВНИМАНИЕ! На форуме начался конкурс - астрофотография месяца НОЯБРЬ!
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Попытаюсь тоже посмотреть...shandrik, а как попасть в Ваш список рассылки? Если что, вот моё мыло zhdanok@narod.ru
В результате того, что имеется только одно наблюдение вспышки активности гамма-Дельфинид, фигура шлейфа рассчитана немного неуверенно как по линии RD-RE, так и по годам. Если вспышки активности гамма-Дельфинид не случится в 2003,
According to information in Peter Jenniskens’ book "Meteor Showers & Their Parent Comets" (Cambridge University Press, 2006), on 1930 June 11, three American Meteor Society observers at the same site in Maryland, USA, apparently saw a shortlived meteor outburst from an otherwise unknown source, the γ-Delphinids, with a radiant estimated as near α = 312◦, δ = +17◦. The meteors were apparently quite fast-moving (a geocentric velocity of ~57 km/s has been suggested). Activity was seen from the proposed shower during only a thirty-minute interval, 02h15m–02h45m UT, albeit there was a full Moon in the sky throughout. It seems no confirmation of this report was made elsewhere, while the suggested radiant was very low at the claimed time, all of which difficulties create doubts about exactly what the three observers may have witnessed. However, Peter Jenniskens’ has proposed that a fresh return of this possible shower may happen in 2013, on June 11 at or around 08h28m UT. As the Moon will be just a slim waxing crescent on this date, observing conditions are ideal for seeing whether any activity occurs or not. No ZHR estimate had been proposed for the event when this Calendar was prepared, nor any indication of the likely particle sizes/meteor brightnesses that might be involved, but anything that does take place should be recorded either by video or very careful visual plotting, to enable further details about the source to be established. If anything happens as predicted from this radiant area, it would be best-seen from sites across North America.